
CSEM (Commission des services électriques de Montréal)

Our products

Boisclair Inc. offers precast concrete products specially designed to meet the unique needs of the Commission des Services Électriques de Montréal. Our connection chambers are adapted to CSEM standards, ensuring integration with your electrical infrastructure.

Technical documents

Access vault

Access vault Type 21P (PA-21P-600) (915 X 915 X 600)

Access vault Type 21P (PA-21P-900) (915 X 915 X 900)

Access vault Type 23P (PA-23P) (915 X 1830 X 1500)

Access vault Type 40P (PA-40P) (2200 X 1500 X 2150)

Access vault Type 41P (PA-41P) (3000 X 2000 X 2150)

Access vault Type 42P (PA-42P) (3500 X 2000 X 2300)

Access vault Type 45P (PA-45P) (3500 X 2000 X 3000)

Access vault Type 46P (PA-46P) (4000 X 2000 X 2300)

Access vault Type 47P (PA-47P) (2200 X 1500 X 2300)

Disclaimer: The drawings and other documents found on our website are for informational purpose only. It is essential to communicate with us in order for us to validate your project. We disclaim all responsibilities with the use of this information and we invite you to communicate with us for necessary verifications.

CTA Graphic


Do you have any questions about our products?

Contact us now, we'll be happy to help!